She will be loved


Lyrics - Entries that are only song lyrics
Entries from the past - Entries that I come across when flipping through old journals. Generally dealing with my crushes and lovelessness, they're good for further emphasizing how pathetic my life truly has been.
Progress Prompts - Thoughts relating to weight loss and exercise. Helpful for staying motivated and focused. Also good when I have nothing else to say.
Friday Five

Saturday, Mar. 13, 2004 Friday Five

July - September, 2002 - unemployment leads to a new job leads to a little crush
October - December, 2002 - a little crush leads to a mega crush and new friends
January - March, 2003 - friends are lost, crush is lost, job is lost, new reasons to hate my life are found
April - December, 2003 - moved across the country, wanted to start a new life, ended up just immersing myself in work and not writing much
January - now, 2004 - new beginning