She will be loved

Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005

Now I'm feeling insulted

You know, I can't believe I haven't heard from him yet. To not say anything to me after I took him there is just rude. If someone had helped me out like that, I would have at least sent a thank you email. I took him on Saturday, I emailed him on Sunday, it's now Tuesday and not a word. It's insulting. He's supposed to be this good Catholic guy (more about that another time), acting like Mr. Pure (I offended him with my swearing, I think, but I realized it too late), how can he not even say anything for 4 days? I really feel used.

This is the email I sent, I think it's fairly neutral in terms of my feelings about him:

Hi Kent,

How are you? Have you put your dresser together yet? I haven't put my shoe storage thing together yet, I'll probably do that tomorrow night. I had a good time shopping with you, it was nice to get to you better. Oh, and I remembered the apartment manager's name, it's Carla. I think she's the meaner one.

I decided not to renew my membership at [personals site]. Although I did meet one person, we didn't hit it off, and the majority of the other guys who've shown interest have been way out of my age range (this 49 year old guy keeps emailing me - it's kinda creepy) or just haven't been really interested me enough to meet them. So the best thing to come out of [site] was getting to know you. I don't know if I'll try other personals sites or not, I think I might wait awhile before I try them again, my budget is a bit tight right now. I guess I can't email once I'm no longer a paying member, so if you want to email me, my email is [email addy] (oh no, now I'm not anonymous!).

I'd enjoy hanging out again, maybe go to a bar or even just hang out at my apartment (which would motivate me to straighten my place up - I really need motivation in that area). Since your classes start this week, I'm sure you'll be busier than usual, but feel free to email or call anytime. Good luck with your new classes, I hope they're interesting.

Talk to you later,


I really don't see anything wrong in that. How can he not say anything? He's been home, I know that. I wish I didn't know that, then I'd just be able to assume he was just really busy.

Am I wrong in being upset?

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Jason Mraz - No Stopping Us
Drinking: nothing
Wearing: black shorts, yellow Chicago sports tee, white socks, blue suede shoes

before after

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