She will be loved

Sunday, Aug. 28, 2005

some thoughts and things I haven't mentioned

I emailed him, thanks to Kristi's advice. I asked if he had put his Ikea stuff together yet, let him know that I had a good time and enjoyed shopping with him, and also that I had decided not to do the personals thing for awhile, so I gave him my regular email address.

He's going to school for an MBA and his classes start this week, so I told him that although I know he'll be busier, I hope that we can still hang out again sometime soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he'll want to, although if he doesn't I think that'll be pretty rude after I went out of my way to take him to Ikea. So I'll just have to wait and see.

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I've been meaning to thank you all for continuing to read my diary. I didn't think anyone would still be reading since I write so sporadically. I didn't even want to see who still had me on their buddy list, I figured everyone had removed me. So when I started looking at some of my recent entries and noticed all the comments, I was amazed. You guys are awesome! Thanks for still reading and for all the nice comments.

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Another thing that I haven't mentioned, since it really hasn't been relevent to what I've been writing about, is that I'm also going back to school. I decided that since I'm now a manager and because my company offers tuition reimbursement, I should use this to my advantage and get a Master's. I was thinking about an MBA (and almost enrolled in the same program my neighbor is in - if only I had known that at the time), but decided to get a Master's in Management Information Systems. I decided on that degree because it's a combination of an IT degree and an MBA. I decided that because although I enjoy being a manager, I prefer working with data and I feel like an MBA would take me further away from that. I'm half dreading and half looking forward to going back to school. I know it will be hard work, but hopefully now that I've been in the business world for five years I'll be able to apply more real-world experience to what I'm studying. Plus, it will be a way to meet more people, which I desperately need. So it should be a good thing. Another good thing is that classes don't start until the end of September, so I have plenty of time to get myself back into the mindset of being a student.

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I need to get myself back into the habit of exercising in the morning. I've gotten back into working out at night, but the mornings are still hard. Hopefully the humidity will end soon and I can stop using that as an excuse.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Crossing Jordan
Drinking: water with peach tea crystal light
Wearing: stretch jeans (size 12!!!) and white tank

before after

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