She will be loved

Sunday, May. 22, 2005


I'm so relieved, my Weight Watchers at work program was renewed for another 10 weeks. We were really worried that it wouldn't happen, because there were only 17 people interested in signing up (some new members, some old). You have to have 20 people for the program, but our leader told us that she would beg and plead with the whoever the decision maker is to keep the program going. They gave her the go-ahead. Yay!

The meeting was on Fridays before, now it'll be on Tuesdays. That's fine with me, but a few people are worried because they felt more free to cheat on weekends and then catch up during the week. Now they think they'll lose that freedom. I don't care, it's not like I do anything on weekends anyway. We have to do it Tuesdays because a couple of people weren't able to do it on Fridays, so we definitely wouldn't have been able to have enough people then.

So this Tuesday is our first meeting. I'm a little nervous because it's been a week and a half since our last meeting and I haven't really kept track of my points. I haven't gone crazy or anything, I just haven't been as thoughtful as I usually would've been. My clothes have felt a little tighter, but maybe that's just my imagination. I really hope it is.

Wednesday, I leave for Chicago. I can't wait to go home! Last time I went home I gained about 10 pounds because I ate crappy and didn't exercise, I've promised myself I wouldn't let that happen this time. I know I'll have a few indulgences, but I'm going to have to work very hard to control my portions. My sister promised she'll exercise with me, but then again she says that everytime and then we just get lazy. Not this time! I'm going to do it whether she joins me or not!

I'll miss the meeting the following Tuesday, which probably won't be such a bad thing since it probably wouldn't be such good news. I shouldn't think that way, I need to have faith in myself and in my willpower.

Time will tell.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to:

before after

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