She will be loved

Wednesday, May. 18, 2005

The boy below

I have a big crush on the guy who lives in the apartment below me. It�s crazy because I don�t even know his name. All I know is he�s fairly friendly for a shy seeming guy, he�s cute (average height, glasses (I love guys who wear glasses!), and reddish brown hair), he smiles at my cats when he sees them on the balcony, and he seems to spend almost as much time alone in his apartment as I do (at least I assume he�s alone, I�ve never seen or heard anyone go in with him).

I have no idea how to initiate more than �Hey, how are you?� with him. I�d feel like a dork telling him my name and asking him his. The only times we�ve said more than that was about 2 months ago when I had a huge problem with my toilet overflowing and flooding my bathroom. He came up to tell me it was leaking into his apartment, not exactly a way for me to make a good impression. And then a few weeks ago I was sitting on my balcony and he was coming into the building, we said hi and I asked if he had any damage from the flooding. He said no, it wasn�t a problem. Then I asked if my exercising at odd hours ever disturbed him. He said he never heard me (thank goodness, I was really paranoid that I was constantly pissing him off!). Then we talked a bit about whether it was really true that our concrete floors and walls were really soundproof. And that�s it, that�s the extent of my conversations with him.

I�m constantly thinking about him. Does he spend his all his time reading, online, watching TV? How old is he? What does he do for a living? Where's he from? Is he disgusted by my cigarette smoking on my balcony? His blinds are always closed, what does his apartment look like? Is he in a long distance relationship? He�s sleeping in the room below me, does he snore? Does he have a teddy bear?

Damnnit, I don�t even know his name! I�m just so desperate for someone to have a crush on!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to:

before after

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