She will be loved

Wednesday, May. 11, 2005

shouldn't sex come before anal sex?

I tried to write last night, but darn Diaryland wouldn't let me because it was too busy. I have to start paying for membership again soon, then that won't happen. But that probably won't happen until next month because I'm pinching pennies right now for a trip to Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. But I do really want to upgrade so that I can start posting pictures again.


I'm having problems right now. I'll spare you the details, but the nurse I saw the other day thinks that I have hemorroids. It's really not pleasant. The most unpleasant part was the rectal exam, where the nurse put her finger into my butt and then wiggled it around to feel for hemorrhoids. Very lovely. She's not sure if that's exactly what it is, so I have to see a specialist who'll determine that. Great, another finger in my butthole.

I just don't think that's what this is, though. I think I have some other problem, again I'll spare the details, but I think it has to be something else. From what I've read, eating a healthy plenty of fiber, drinking lots of water, and exercising regularly are the best ways to prevent hemorrhoids, but I already do all those things! So what happened to bring this on?

I don't need more health problems. I don't need to pay more money on medical bills. Why is it always something with me?

Watching/Hearing/Listening to:

before after

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