She will be loved

Tuesday, Feb. 01, 2005

double standards and pizza

I'm watching American Idol and I'm really getting annoyed. Everytime a fat white woman auditions, the judges comment on her weight and say that she doesn't have the right image, but they never make weight or image comments when a fat black woman auditions. How come it's okay for a black singer to be overweight, but not for a white singer? I think it's crazy for anyone to put themselves up for that scrutiny, I certainly wouldn't, even if I could sing, but still there shouldn't be that double standard. No one should have to put up with being insulted on national TV, but why insult one group and not the other? They're both as equally likely to be great singers or to suck, why bring discrimination into it?

Normally I wouldn't watch this show, but since Biggest Loser is over there's a gap in my viewing schedule.

Other than that, I'm having huge cravings for pizza and chinese food. Earlier, at work, I smelled pizza and it was all I could think about for hours. Now I just went outside on my balcony and got a whiff of chinese, and that's on my mind. Augh! I won't allow myself either, for diet and money reasons, but mother fucker. My only choices are chili, cereal, or string cheese, I just gotta deal with it.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to:

before after

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