She will be loved

Saturday, Feb. 05, 2005


The Philadelphia Eagles are in the Superbowl tomorrow, not that I really give a rat's behind, but because of that we had a Superbowl party at work yesterday. I decided to make spinach dip, because I love it and everyone always raves about it. Because it always goes so fast, I decided to double the recipe. And you gotta make it the night before so that everything softens and blends together. And you gotta sample it, and a few hours later sample it, and a few hours later sample it again. Before I knew it, half a loaf of rye bread and a quarter of the dip is gone.

That morning, I saw one of my lowest weights in months, 216.5. Yesterday right back up to the usual, 219.5. I can't believe I ate 3 pounds of spinach dip. Really, no dip is that good. I wasn't so good at the party either: 2 pieces of bread with spinach dip, one chocolate donut hole, a spoonful of pistachio pudding, and a little football shaped Reese's peanut butter cup. Eh, it could've been worse, though. I guess it was because I figured since I'd already done the damage to my weight, why stop there? I guess there's really no way to rationalize it.

To do a little damage control, I walked 4 miles yesterday, 2 in the morning and 2 at night, and then followed the night walk with 30 minutes of weight lifting. Now my feet are killing me, of course, so no cardio tonight. I'll do pilates and maybe yoga tonight. Tomorrow, I'll walk if my feet can take it, or I'll do some weight training. Best thing to do after dipping into the overindulgence water is to jump back out and get back on track.

I gotta see that 216 again, it's so close to 215 I can almost taste it. And that tastes so much better than spinach dip ever will.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to:

before after

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