She will be loved

Saturday, Jan. 29, 2005

It's always something.

I got in a car accident on Wednesday. I rear ended someone and it was totally my fault, no excuses just stupidity. I was on an unfamiliar road and I looked down for a second and suddenly a red light came out of nowhere. I tried to stop, but the road was wet and my car kept sliding. And I can't believe the amount of damage there was to their car, it was a beater so I basically totaled it. I feel so horrible but I'm trying to stop beating myself up about it. I'm really ashamed because normally I'm such a cautious driver, I just don't know how this could've happened. But everyone keeps telling me that this kind of thing happens all the time, I'm still a new driver and that's what insurance is for. At least no one was hurt. Well the people in the other car are now claiming whiplash, but I find that pretty hard to believe because they were fine at the time, but whatever. The damage to my car was minimal, mainly some chipped paint on my bumper, but I'm going to bring it to a mechanic on Monday just in case. God, I feel like such an asshole.

Fortunately, I've maintained my diet and exercise routine. I'm proud of myself for that, because normally I'd use any excuse to go off plan. One thing that's helping that is my $500 deductible looming over my head, I know I can't afford to splurge on anything.

It's always something.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to:

before after

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