She will be loved

Sunday, Jan. 23, 2005

Time to get started again.

Time to get started again.

I kinda shut off communication with myself, I don't know why. I didn't write here and I didn't write in any of my paper journals. I can't figure out why, I just shut down.

I went home for Christmas for ten days and gained ten pounds. How do you gain a pound a day? I guess not exercising and eating a lot of good food will do that to you. But since I've been home I've been back on track and most of the weight gain is gone.

My therapist has suggested Overeaters Anonymous. I was thinking Weight Watchers, but he thinks that OA might be better because it will deal with my addictions. I dunno. I don't think that I overeat, but I guess I must or I wouldn't weigh this much. I guess I'll try OA first, since it isn't a financial investment like WW and then if I don't feel that it's working I'll do WW. I need to do some research on it first before I can make the next step, though.

I also need to pay up to Diaryland, so that I can get all of the features of this site working again. Right now I can't afford it, but I think I'll be able to once I get my next paycheck. I think I owe to myself to start writing again, to reconnect with myself.

So that's about it. I'll write again soon.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to:

before after

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