She will be loved

Thursday, Jul. 08, 2004

just crappy

Depression has really gotten the better of me for the past week and half. What am I depressed about? What am I not depressed about?

The job situation is the biggest problem. Since March the raise and promotion have been going to happen "soon," just be patient. So at the beginning of June I asked my boss if he could give me some idea of when it was going to happen, because I am having serious financial issues. "Oh, I'm expecting it to happen by the end of this month," he said. Great!

So, as last week was the end of June, I went into his office to ask him about it. "It's just a matter of time," he said. He said HR was ironing out the details. Whatever.

Yesterday, I asked my manager if she could talk to the boss and find out anything, because I didn't think I would be able to take his bullshit answer calmly. So later she came back and told me that I needed to be patient. It was in its final stage of approval, it just needed to be okayed by upper management. She said it could be a few days or it could be a few weeks, there was no way to be sure. I said, "yeah right, or it could be a few months." "No no," she assured me, "it's really close." Gee, thanks.

Everyday I come into work anxious and leave pissed, just like I have been for months. I'll just have to keep it up. Patience is a virtue. I stopped being virtuous about 3 months ago.

I'm pissed that I gave up my life as I knew it to move across the country for this job. Thinking it was going to do wonderful things for my career, meanwhile it's more than a year later and I'm in exactly the same place. Well, my career is in the same place, everything else is in shambles. I've lost one friendship, others are hanging by a string, I've further isolated myself from society (I didn't think that was possible!), I've missed opportunities, and I'm an emotional mess. For what? To be told that I just need to be patient? Fuck you.

* * * * *

I gained 4 pounds in the past week, despite eating well and exercising as usual. Is stress the cause? I sure hope so. I reevaluating a lot of my choices right now.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Conan - Christina Applegate
Drinking: water and eating a small amount of Go Lean with milk
Wearing: dark gray exercise pants, maroon bra, white socks

before after

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