She will be loved

Monday, Jun. 14, 2004


Getting onto Diaryland has really been a bitch for the last few days. Not that I've been trying very hard, but still. I'm just so lazy about writing lately, my energy is low in all areas of my life. I need something to invigorate me.

So, my weight yesterday was 220. Those 21_s are really taking their sweet time coming back to me. I know it's going to happen next week though. Even if the bastard scale just shows 219.5, it's going to happen! I can see some changes in my body, though. My butt and biceps are getting more defined and the fat on my stomach seems to be rearranging itself. Sadly, no inches are coming off. I'll tell ya, I hate the tape measure so much more than I hate the scale. I never know whether the damn thing is straight and I can never remember exactly where on the arm/leg/waist/whatever I measured last time. The mirror is my best reflection of body change. That sounds so ass backwards!

My goals for this week:

1. Write more often, re-dedicate myself!

2. Take a swim in my apartment's pool, stop being so self-conscious! It's not like I'll know anyone there anyway. I need to do some outside activity.

3. No grocery shopping until Friday or Saturday, budget budget budget!

4. No evening naps, they're sucking away at my energy!

5. Clean my messy apartment, my apartment symbolizes my life, when it's in order, I'm in order!

Thank you and good night.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: CNBC - Meet the Press
Drinking: twist
Wearing: black shorts, white tank, white socks, pink & white Adidas

before after

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