She will be loved

Tuesday, Jun. 08, 2004

Maybe someday, maybe.

I stayed home from work today, mental health day. Mostly I just slept, nothing unusual. I can't wait until I have something interesting to write about. Maybe one day my life won't suck, maybe.

I did the Winsor Pilates accelerated body sculpting workout tonight and it kicked my butt so bad. I have so much room for improvement! I can't believe that's the next step up from her basics video. I could do maybe 60% of the moves, others I had to follow her modified model, and then there were a couple I couldn't even do the modified version. There's one, the plow (I'm not sure if that's what Mari called it, but that's what it is in yoga), where you're on your back, flip your legs over your head, and then perch on your arms and shoulders. No fucking way in hell. Maybe someday, maybe.

I think it might be awhile before I venture into that one again. I'll stick with Leslie, the Winsor basics, and then I have some Crunch pilates videos that I haven't tried yet.

* * * * *

Last night I was watching Howard Stern and Paula, Randy, and Simon were on from American Idol and Howard was talking to Randy about Randy's WLS. He made some jokes about how Randy would gain all the weight back like Carnie Wilson did. I thought it was interesting that he would say that, but I haven't seen her in awhile so I didn't know if it was true. But, as luck would have it, Wilson Philips (!!!) was just on Jay Leno and she looks a lot heavier. She just made a comment to Jay about how she only gained back 10 pounds, but it sure looks like a lot more than that. Of course the fact that she's wearing a skintight shirt in a crazy Escher-like pattern doesn't help.

WLS fascinates me. I don't think I could ever do it, but I'm so curious about the people that do.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Conan's monologue
Drinking: water and eating NSA mint chocolate chip ice cream
Wearing: white shorts, white tank, white socks

before after

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