She will be loved

Thursday, Jun. 03, 2004

Splenda really is a godsend

Oops, almost forgot to write for today. Not much to say. I meant to add my workout table for June today, but I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Right now I'm eating some Edy's no sugar added mint chocolate chip ice cream, it's so yummy! Being no sugar and lower fat, it's okay for SBD, but probably not two bowls! Oh well, work was really stressful today and there are a lot more worse ways to indulge myself than with two bowls of ice cream.

Time for bed now, I'm going to read pilates books until I fall asleep.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: hgtv - mission organization
Drinking: water and eating MCC ice cream
Wearing: dark gray exercise pants, yellow tank, white socks

before after

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