She will be loved

Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2004

my abs were so sore today, yay!

So last night I did Leslie's Shortcuts ab workout, all I can is wow! It's been awhile since I did that one, long before I started pilates, and I can't believe how much stronger my abs are! So many of the exercises that I couldn't make it through before, like doing regular crunches while doing reverse crunches and doing scissors while holding in a crunch position, were so much easier. I wouldn't say they were easy, but I did all the reps and I wasn't groaning.

I'm sure pilates is to thank for this new strength. And I know got more of a workout from them, because my abs were so sore today, yay!

And I'm just getting started, yeah baby yeah!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: travel channel - pizza paradises
Drinking: twist
Wearing: light gray shorts and light gray tank

before after

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