She will be loved

Monday, May. 24, 2004


Okay weigh-in, kinda. I'm down 2 pounds from last week, 221.5, but I'm frustrated that I'm still in the 220s. I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

I think I really need to reassess a lot of things, my habits, my exercise, my food, my goals, all that shit. The goal is the biggest thing.

I'm sure that I won't hit the goal of 200 by 7/17. One, it's no longer realistic, at the rate I'm going. Two, I'm just getting so fucking depressed about it and I need to ease up on myself. I just really wanted to wow everyone at Kelly's wedding. Maybe my goal should just be to fit comfortably in a size 18. I bought a pair of size 18 jeans at Old Navy when my mom and sister were here, but didn't try them on when until I got home. I was sure I wouldn't be able to get them on all the way, since they aren't stretch like most of my other jeans, but I can even button them. They hurt my hips and my belly is really oozing over them waist, but they button!

So I think an 18 is obtainable in a month and a half. It's still something to work toward, but it's not as disheartening as a pound goal. Maybe my 200 goal should be set for by the end of the summer. That seems like such a long time away, though, but time does fly.

Here's some pics of my new goal jeans:

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Leno - Snoop Dog
Drinking: twist
Wearing: jeans, white tank, black socks

before after

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