She will be loved

Tuesday, May. 11, 2004

I Can Do!

I did the 8 minutes today. Week 1, day 1... take 3. The other two times, I only got to day 4, so my goal for this week is to make it past Thursday. :)

I got some new Leslie videos today: the You Can Do! series, a 4 Mile Fat Burning Walk, and a DVD with 4 Mile Weight Loss Walk and 2 Mile Walk. Those 4 milers will be set aside for a time when I'm feeling really ambitious! I have another 4 mile walk, but I can never motivate myself to do it. Someday I will.

But I'm really excited about the You Can Do series. She just released these about 3 weeks ago and there's one for yoga, one pilates, and one for abs using a stability ball. I did the pilates one tonight and I loved it! My sister bought the Windsor Pilates tapes a couple of years ago and I tried to do one of the basic videos back then and I couldn't make it past the first exercise (by the way, that was the only time that any of those videos were watched, my sister has never put any of them in the VCR or even taken the others out of the shrink wrap). It was just too difficult and intimidating. So I can't believe how much I enjoyed this tape. Even doing the same exercise that turned me off of the Windsor ones (the exercise was The 100 - keeping your body in a crunch position, lifting your legs off the floor, and then moving your arms up and down while they're at your side for 100 times), I liked it. It was still difficult, but not so intimidating. She made the exercise really easy to understand and told how they could be altered to different fitness levels. Gotta love Leslie, she's cheesey and a little too squeaky clean, but she always motivates me. That's definitely one to work into the rotation.

Tomorrow I'm going to do the abs one, finally learn how to use that stability ball of mine that's been collecting dust. My goal is to get an ab workout every other day, so that should fit in nicely. Then I'll do yoga on Wednesday. Cool beans, I love new workouts!

This makes typing a wee bit difficult! At least he's not laying on the keyboard tonight.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Conan - Canadian show
Drinking: water and eating a SF fudgsicle
Wearing: dark green mesh shorts, light gray tank, black socks

before after

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