She will be loved

Sunday, May. 09, 2004


Another gain, plus 2. 220.5.

I blame it all on the chinese food. Too much sugar, too much starch, too much everything. No guilt or beating myself up about it, I enjoyed every bite. But I'm back on track.

I haven't had any of the mint patties since Thursday, I'm so glad I broke that cycle. I've decided that in order to avoid temptation, I just can't go into the grocery stores that sell them. It's simple as that. I'm glad they're not available at very many stores, I hope it stays that way.

I have my next goal. Kelly is getting married in July. Well, she's married now, but the formal wedding will be in July. They had a courthouse wedding, shotgun and all. Meaning, she's pregnant and needed to get married immediately in order to get health insurance.

So at the wedding I want to look as good as possible. It's 10 weeks from now, my goal is 200 pounds. It sounds impossible, I can't imagine being so small. But it could happen, that's about 2 pounds a week, the rate I was at before I kept letting all these "special occasions" happen. I think if I really buckle down I can do it.

Tomorrow I start back on 8 Minutes in the Morning, and I'm going to stick with it this time, no excuses.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: 6 Feet Under
Drinking: water
Wearing: light gray undies, dark blue bra, white socks

before after

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