She will be loved

Friday, May. 07, 2004

thinking of descriptions really sucks

I need a new template! I've been looking for awhile, but I can't find one that is either eye pleasing or that will work with the tables I've already created. So I think I'm going to work on one this weekend, something basic and exercise/diet related. I'm hoping it won't be too difficult, but I'm sure it will be more frustrating than I'm anticipating.

What else? Oh, I'm a bad daughter. I got my mom a Mother's Day card last night, but I haven't sent or written anything in it yet. I gotta do that tomorrow, it won't get there in time but the closer to the actual day, the better. That reminds me, I should call my sister tomorrow and see if I can go in on a gift with her. Geez, I'm a bum.

I guess that's about it, I don't have too much to say tonight. I'm going to go lay in bed and read the Dr. Phil weight loss book. Yeah, I'm a lemming. I hate to buy into all the hype around that guy and it bothers me that a pompous fat man is telling people how to deal with weight issues, but hey, if I can get something out of the book that will help me on my journey psychologically, it doesn't hurt to read it. I just started the book, not even in the second chapter yet, so I'm not quite sure what I'm in for.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Conan - Janet Jackson
Drinking: water and eating a mixed berry no sugar added creamsicle
Wearing: light gray boxers, dark gray tank, dark gray socks, pink & white Adidas

before after

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