She will be loved

Sunday, May. 02, 2004


2 more pounds down! 218.5, I'm into virgin territory! Go me!

I haven't eaten the best on this visit from my mom and sister. Meals have been good, but I've had too much chocolate. But hey, it obviously hasn't set me back too much.

As soon as they're gone, though, I'm going back hardcore on the diet and exercise. Back to 8 minutes in the morning and back to phase 1 SBD for at least a few days.

I really need to break the Russell Stover's mint patties addiction. I think the key to that is just staying out of the stores where they sell them. Most of the stores that I shop at commonly don't sell them, so I make special trips to the stores that do, where I buy 4-6 bags at a time. Why am I so obsessed with this candy? I think some hardcore phase 1 may be the secret to breaking the cravings.

Okay, back to the visit. Check ya later gators!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: my mom talking to a client, she's negotiating an offer
Drinking: twist
Wearing: green mesh shorts and white tank

before after

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