She will be loved

Sunday, Apr. 25, 2004


Another weigh-in. Big sigh.

Last week I had gotten myself back down to the 21_s that I was at before Kelly's visit, but then there was the Friday happy hour. So now I'm back in the 22_s.

My mom and sister are going to be here on Thursday night, I really thought I'd be down to the 20_s by that time. I'm sure I'll be in the 21_s, but I'm still disappointed I didn't meet my goal. I wanted them to really see a dramatic change in me. Oh sure, they'll still compliment me, but I wanted them to be really surprised. Oh well, I'll deal.

I think food-wise, the visit from my family will be much better than Kelly's. My mom is doing SBD, so it will be easy to stick to plan. My sister keeps saying she's going to start, but I really doubt she is ready to make the commitment. Not only is she really carb-addicted, but she lacks the willpower and I don't think she is really ready to invest all the time it takes to prepare our own food. Plus, my mom and I are both motivated by health concerns, my sister doesn't have that. But maybe eating with my mom and I for 4 days will show her that it's not that difficult.

So anyway, didn't meet my goal in the timeframe I hoped I would. I give myself until the end of May. By Memorial Day, I will be in the low 200s. Oh yes I will!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: HBO - 6 Feet Under
Drinking: twist
Wearing: blue bra, white undies, and white socks

before after

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