She will be loved

Sunday, Apr. 11, 2004


Weigh in today, down another .5. I was expecting a gain, so I'm happy with that.

My eating wasn't great this week. Not enough veggies, too much Kashi, and too much chocolate. Lots of sugarfree chocolate and lots of dark chocolate, too. SBD purists recommend dark chocolate if you're going to eat any because the benefits of the antioxidents in it outweigh the real sugar issues. Dark chocolate was always so nasty to me before, it reminded me of finding a bar of baker's chocolate in the cupboard, thinking it was a candy bar and taking a bite. Yuck! Or thinking if chocolate chip cookies were good, chocolate chips must taste good and eating a handful. Double yuck! But maybe my taste buds have changed since starting this diet, because dark chocolate is really yummy now.

But anyway, so .5 brings me down to 219. Yes! Exactly where I wanted to be right now. That's 17 pounds down in 8 weeks exactly. A little more than 2 pounds a week, perfectly healthy!

Kelly is coming tomorrow, I can't wait! I've been cleaning all day, and I'm not done yet. Right now there's a mountain of laundry on my couch waiting to be folded. A perfect task to do while watching the Sopranos. Which is on now, gotta go.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Sopranos
Drinking: water and nibbling RS sugarfree mint patty
Wearing: baby blue undies

before after

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