She will be loved

Saturday, Apr. 10, 2004


I did two workouts for the first time tonight. I mean, it was the first time I did either of them, not that it was the first time I did two. Anyway, neither was particularly strenuous, so I kinda feel like I cheated myself. They were both strength, the first one concentrated on legs and the second on arms. I thought about doing a third with an ab focus, since the ones I did were so short, but I decided that might be overkill.

My feet have been killing me. The pain started a couple of weeks ago but it's been really bad the past few days. I've developed a corn on my left foot and the balls of my right foot are really sore. I don't know if the problems are with my working out or with my shoes. I was able to get an appointment at a podiatrist for Monday, so I'll find out soon. I'm glad I was able to get an appointment so quickly, I didn't need anything to deter my workout schedule. I'll just be taking things easy until then, no 3 mile walks.

My dad's diabetes has affected his feet more than any other part of his body. He has had four toes amputated and all kinds of other problems with them, gangrene and stuff. So I try to take good care of mine and pay close attention to anything that might lead to problems with them. Now his diabetes has never been in control and I aim to keep mine in tight control, so I hopefully I won't have to face the same complications. But still, I can't be too careful with my tootsies.

I'm going to massage Burt's Bees coconut foot oil on them before I go to bed, they need some TLC.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: VH1 top 20 countdown - John Mayer - Clarity (#12)
Drinking: water
Wearing: brown plaid boxers, orange tank with bleach stains, white socks

before after

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