She will be loved

Friday, Apr. 02, 2004

some books to motivate me

I'm feeling and doing much better today.

I wore dark (blend of brown, gray, and black) trousers and a pale purple ribbed turtleneck sweater to work and quite a few people commented on how good I looked. Nothing boosts the ego like compliments!

* * * * *

After work, I went in search of several self-help and diet books: SBD Good Fats/Good Carbs Guide, Optimal Thinking: How to Be Your Best Self, and The Power of Habit: Harnessing the Power to Establish Routines That Guarantee Success in Business and in Life. I went to Borders and Target, but no luck. I knew Target wouldn't have the second two, but I was hopeful about the first one. I guess since the SBD guide book was released today, it's sold out everywhere. Borders says the second two are out of print, so I guess I'm going to have buy them off Amazon.

Okay, I just went to Amazon to buy those books and of course got suckered into some impulse buying. So I'm getting those, plus:

Fast Food Nation - I've been good about eliminating fast food, but I'm occasionally tempted, so I think this might help wipe out my little temptations.

8 Minutes in the Morning: A Simple Way to Shed up to 2 Pounds a Week Guaranteed - I'm super paranoid about pissing off my neighbors below me when I do my Leslie workouts, so I'm hoping with this I'll be able to work out quieter. I'm going to try to do both, but this way I won't feel guilty if I don't exercise at night. There's a diet with it that sounds similar to SBD in some ways, if it isn't, I won't be changing my eating, I'm happy with the way SBD is working for me. There was another book by the same author for overweight people, but I got the feeling the moves might be too simplistic since I've been working out regularly already.

From Chunk to Hunk: Diary of a Fat Man - I've read his wife's online diary, but never his. I figure, what the heck, more motivation! Plus they seem like good people, so I don't mind sending some money their way.

So now I've spent enough money for the day. I think I'll save my $100 CD reward for when I hit 209, I think the books will do me more good than a couple of Jimmy Eat World CDs.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Conan - Al Franken & Huckie sitting in my lap and purring
Drinking: water and nibbling a Russell Stover's sugarfree mint patty
Wearing: black exercise pants, light gray tank, black socks, and a lot of cat fur

before after

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