She will be loved

Saturday, Mar. 20, 2004


Thanks for all the nice comments about Huckie! He's doing very well today. He seems to be recuperating much better than he did the last time. The only difficulty is getting him to take his antibiotic pill. He doesn't try to bite my fingers off when I put it in his mouth, instead he fills his mouth with saliva and does his damndest not to swallow. I coaxed it down today with the help of a throat massage and hairball malt lubrication, but I know he's going to struggle harder everyday. One pill down, nine to go!

* * * * *

I was so frustrated today. When I saw the doctor, she asked me to get a bunch of lab work done. Cholesterol tests, diabetes tests, thyroid tests, and on and on. She said I should go to a specific hospital to get the workup and do a 12 hour fast beforehand.

So I finally forced myself to do it this morning. Fasting sucked, it's really hard for my body to get moving without breakfast, I've re-trained it to expect morning fuel.

And then I had a hell of time finding that hospital. There is no address for the hospital, just that it's on XYZ Rd in ZYX City. So I drove around for over half an hour trying to find it, I kept getting lost because suddenly the road would turn into a highway and it would take forever to find a place to turn around. What a hassle!

When I finally found it, it ended up being, literally, right around the corner from my apartment complex. That'll teach me not to familiarize myself with my surroundings!

By the time I get into the lab, I'm not in the best of moods. I hand the receptionist my doctor's referral and my insurance card.

"Oh," she says, when looking at my card, "I don't think you're going to want to use us for these tests. Our services aren't covered by your insurance and these labs will end up costing you several hundreds of dollars."

What the fuck? I pay extra for a PPO so that I don't have to deal with these kinds of hassles. She gives me the addresses of a couple of Quest Diagnostics labs that work with my insurance. Of course those bastards are only open during my work hours. Why can't healthcare facilities have Saturday hours?

I have a doctor's appointment on Monday, for a full physical and pap smear, lovely. I really wanted the labs done beforehand. Sons-a-bitches!

* * * * *

Tomorrow is weigh-in. I saw my lowest weight this morning! Hopefully my body will cooperate again tomorrow so that I can officially record it!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Cops
Drinking: twist
Wearing: XTC Oranges & Lemons tee, light gray undies, white socks

before after

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