She will be loved

Sunday, Mar. 21, 2004


225.5! Yes! 11 pounds for 5 weeks on SBD and over 16 since the beginning of February. Kickass!

I reintroduced foods this week that I thought really might stall any loss, like cereal (Kashi!), 1% milk, fruit (just a few berries for my cereal - I've never been a fruit fan) and crispbread. But they didn't!

I even had a couple of NSVs (Non-Scale Victories) this week:

On Friday, I wore my Old Navy Size 20 stretch jeans to work! I wore them with a bulky sweater to hide the belly overflow, but they were totally comfortable and I know I looked good!

My boss (not the same as my manager, my boss is the boss of both me and my manager) complemented me on my weight loss and said it was noticable and I looked good. He's really the one who inspired me to eat this way. He's lost about 30 pounds on SBD and had wonderful things to say about it. He's actually in Phase 3 now and is looking quite good himself, so I complemented him back.

I didn't let the stress of Huckie and my money issues become an excuse to eat badly or not exercise. I did turn to comfort foods like hummus and peanut butter and splenda on crispbread, and I may not have eaten as much veggies as I should've, but I got through it fairly unscathed.

Over a week ago, I bought 3 small bags of sugar-free chocolate: Russell Stover's Mint Patties, Hershey bars, and Reese's PB Cups and I've still got plenty of all of them left. No binges, just occasional treats! Self control!

What a healthy week I've had. I look forward to the coming week, too. Most of the snow has melted and spring seems to finally be coming to PA. Warmer and more pleasant weather is always a powerful motivator for me. I'm going to try to get in some outdoor exercise this week, biking and walking.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: VH1 - best week ever
Drinking: twist
Wearing: light gray tank and light gray undies

before after

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