She will be loved

Tuesday, Mar. 16, 2004

beans beans good for your heart, the more you eat the more you... GAIN!

As I lay in bed clutching my huge bloated belly (due to 2 sugerfree Reese's Peanut Butter Cups) and reeling from the early evening dream I'd just had about stalking a Taco Bell and eating a taco supreme with abandon, a light bulb went off in my head.


Since last Thursday, I've had 3 bean intensive meals a day. A container of hummus for lunch (with celery and cucumber), then a second container with no veggies, and then a bowl of chili for dinner. The chili is loaded with kidney beans and main ingredient in hummus is chickpeas, another name for garbanzo beans.

All those beans can't be good. I'm even heavier today than I was on Sunday, what's the biggest change? Beans!

So I'm going to cut them out for the next couple of days and since what difference that makes. If it is the key to my weight gain, I'll limit my intake to one bean meal a day, either hummus or chili.

This is all the benefit of food journaling. I've been tracking my food since Sunday and that's been so helpful. Writing everything down seemed really obsessive at first, I'm glad I got over that!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Law and Order SVU
Drinking: water
Wearing: white exercise pants, navy bra, black socks

before after

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