She will be loved

Thursday, Mar. 11, 2004

I think the cheddar is better.

I'm making something so delicious right now, I *guess* it's chili. It started out as taco salad meat, but then I realized I didn't have any tomato sauce, so I just started throwing random things into the pan.

I've had a couple of tiny bowls and I can't believe how good it tastes. Who knew I could make chili without even thinking about it?


1.3 lbs ultra lean ground beef

1 large yellow onion

half package of Lawry's taco seasoning

2 gloves garlic

1 can Chunky Rotel (stewed tomatoes and green chilis)

1 large can Hunts stewed tomatoes

1 and a half cans of dark red kidney beans (half can because due to my frustration at Beavis' incessant bitching, I let the can slip out of my hand when I was draining it and I lost a bunch in the sink)

After the beef browned, I just started throwing the other stuff in as I came across it while digging through my cabinets. I've never made chili before, I'm surprised it was so intuitive. It's still simmering, but I had a little bit with cheddar on top and a little bit with sour cream on top, I think the cheddar is better.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: NBC news
Drinking: water
Wearing: dark gray exercise pants, black tank, black socks

before after

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