She will be loved

Wednesday, Mar. 03, 2004

strap that man down and shove chocolate pudding down his throat

Just finished the arm workout. For most of it I used 5 lb weights but I had to switch to 4 lb'ers for the reverse flies. I'm feeling the fatigue right now and it is so nice! Now I just have to psych myself up for doing the ab workout tomorrow. I wish that I could see the results in my abs as quickly as I can see them in my arms.

* * * * *

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I'm seeing a new one, I hope she's nice. I have to bring all my medications and diabetes supplies with me so that she can see what I'm taking/using. I'm fine with medications, my doctor in Chicago refills those for me over the phone, but I need more test strips for my blood sugar monitor. I'm hoping I can score a new monitor. A lot of testing companies give them away for free because they want you to buy the strips (which are unique to whatever monitor you use) because that's where the money is for them.

I feel like I'm taking tons of pills everyday, but only 2 of the medications are prescriptions. I take 1,000 mg (2 pills) of Metformin ER and 100 mg (1 pill) of Zoloft daily. I also take 600 mg (2 pills) of Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil, because I don't get it much in my diet because I only like canned tuna), 1875 mg of fiber (3 pills - I think I might need to switch to the powder, I'm not sure these are as effective - I value my regularity!), and finally a One a Day Weight Smart vitamin (1 pill - don't fall for the gimmick, I've been taking these since the summer and they haven't made the slightest difference in my weight - once I'm done with these, and I've done more research, I'm going to switch to a different brand). So that's a lot of pills! And I take them all at once!

So I'm gonna bring all those bottles with me tomorrow so that I can get the doctor's opinion.

* * * * *

I looked up Roger Ebert's weight loss (mentioned in yesterday's entry) and it seems he lost almost 75 pounds doing the Pritikin diet. I've only read criticism of that diet, so I was surprised by Ebert's description of it which made it sound a lot like South Beach with lean meats, whole grains, and veggies.

My only personal revulsion to Pritikin came from Kirk Cameron, of all people. I distinctly remember reading in Bop or Teen Beat or something like that years ago that Kirk had never had chocolate in his life due to strict adherence to the Pritikin diet. That's just crazy! Someone needs to strap that man down and shove chocolate pudding down his throat until he begs for mercy.

* * * * *

Speaking of chocolate, time for a fudgsicle.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: NBC - Conan
Drinking: water
Wearing: black exercise pants, black tank, brown socks, and NBs

before after

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