She will be loved

Saturday, Feb. 21, 2004

another photo entry

Check this out:

I'm wearing the size 20 jeans!!!

Sure, they're tight as hell. Sure, I have a bit to go before I can consider myself a size 20. Sure, they're stretch jeans so they have a bit of give in the waist. But they zippered! The button closed! Of course, I want them to fit comfortably, but here's my next goal:

This is a really tight Hello Kitty (unfortunately you can't really see the Hello Kitty cuz the picture is a bit blurry - but trust me, it's cute) tank and underwear set I bought at Marshalls tonight. It's an XL, but it sure felt tighter than that. My goal is for this to fit me. There's a lot of belly to lose for that to happen, so it may be quite awhile, but I'll get there!

Another one with Hello Kitty (and my own kitty!). What I love about this picture is my arms. I had no idea my muscles were getting so big! Awesome!

Time to exercise now.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: HGTV - Home to Go
Drinking: twist (4 cans a day, yeah right! that lasted a day!)
Wearing: white tee, brown exercise pants, black socks, need to put my gym shoes on

before after

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