She will be loved

Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004

They think I'm like Supergirl or something.

I've been in such a crappy mood today, with no good reason. Well, there were reasons during the second half of the work day when my manager and my boss kept throwing more and more work at me and then them getting frustrated because things weren't getting done. They think I'm like Supergirl or something.

That's about it for today. I had a good workout and I'm back on the South Beach track. So I'm feeling good about myself, I'm just frustrated with everything else.

Oh, I do have one cute story. My workout was total body, a little walking, a little upper body, a little leg work, and a little abs. When I was doing the upper body with weights, Huckie kept circling me, begging for my attention, crying, and rubbing my legs. He went away while I was doing my legs, but then came back for the ab work. I laying on my back, doing crunches and he crawls on my stomach and makes himself comfortable. He's purring and loving me while I'm doing crunches! So he gave me an extra workout because I was lifting him with each crunch.

He's such a sweetie pie!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Jay Leno
Drinking: water
Wearing: dark gray exercise pants, maroon bra, brown socks, gray New Balances

before after

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