She will be loved

Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2004

Honestly, though, I really don't care.

Birthdays suck. I'm glad this one is almost over.

I can't believe I'm 28 now, that is so old! I'm pushing 30 now. Bah!

Honestly, though, I really don't care. I'm not depressed, I'm not happy, just glad to be done with it.

Work was nice, my friends decorated my cube and baked me a cake. I was very touched.

I went off South Beach for most of the day, though. But it was my birthday, damnnit! The first piece of cake really took affect on my body, instant dull headache and stomach pains, but it went away after awhile.

We went to Red Robin for lunch. I only had one onion ring, but it was so damn good. For the meal I ordered the bacon guacamole burger without the bun and salad instead of fries. It was low carb and so delicious! But then the waitstaff delivered me a sundae because it was my birthday, again, so delicious.

When we got back to work, I had two more pieces of cake. Honestly though, I had very little actual cake and mostly just ate the frosting. I love frosting! Now if it had been yellow cake, I would've had less control, but it was chocolate so it was easy to stop myself.

But really if someone makes you a cake, how can you say no? If someone brings you a sundae after singing and clapping happy birthday, how can you say no? And everything tasted so good, I have no regrets!

But I'm back on track tonight, dinner was a big salad with turkey and cheese, and also yummy.

Okay enough food talk.

I just finished my ab workout. I could totally see the effect of not doing it for a couple of weeks, very little strength in the belly. But I'm proud I did it and now I have to force myself to do it twice a week.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Jay Leno - women from The View
Drinking: water
Wearing: black shorts, dark gray tank, green socks, gray New Balances

before after

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