She will be loved

Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004

nice and sweaty

I just had a nice workout, Leslie's 30 minute Walk Away the Stress. It got me so worked up, my tank top is drenched in sweat. I'm trying to force myself to do more cardio videos, as opposed to all the strength training I normally do. Although I think I see results faster from strength training, nothing beats the high after a good cardio workout.

Although, of course, now it's going to be a bitch to fall asleep. My sleep schedule is so fucked up anyway, though, so I shouldn't really care. As long as I can make it through the work day, who cares if I crash for 2 or 3 hours every evening and then only get 4-5 hours of sleep at night?

Well I care, I suppose, since I wouldn't be writing about it if I didn't. I think I'll make more of a concerted effort to be on a better schedule next week.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: VH1 - The Fabulous Life of Christina Aguilera
Drinking: water
Wearing: baby blue exercise pants, light gray tank, white socks, pink & white adidas

before after

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