She will be loved

Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2004


I meant to continue those thoughts last night, but you know, I be lazy. I will, but not tonight either.

I did a Leslie 3 Mile Super Fat Burning walk last night. It's been at least 2 months since I did one of her longer walks, so I felt really good about myself afterward. But it didn't last through today. I had mid period cramps and have felt pretty cranky all day. When I got home, I went crazy eating a bunch of leftover mexican macaroni and cheese casserole and then crashed for 3 hours. I woke up in time for Less Than Perfect and then Law & Order SVU.

After the news, I finally motivated myself to exercise. I did Leslie's Ab Shortcut, but it was half-assed because my abs and legs felt so weak and I ended up dropping halfway through every set of reps. I remember loving scissors in exercise classes when I was younger, thinking they were the easiest exercise, but now they are the most painful thing to my body. And then when she adds crunches to the scissors, oh god I can't take it. But in a positive light, at least I know where I have room to grow. And I did work up a sweat, so it's not like it was wasted time.

Sometimes it's just so disheartening, though. I exercise for at least 30 minutes at least 5 days a week (I'm good Sundays through Thursdays, but Fridays and Saturdays are tough -- I'm trying to change that, though.) but I don't see the benefits and simple workouts still kill me. It seems so pointless at times.

I hope this is just a down day, tomorrow will be better.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Some Michael Jackson thing on VH1 that I'm not really paying attention to
Drinking: water
Wearing: baby blue exercise pants, white tee, and tan socks

before after

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