She will be loved

Monday, Jan. 26, 2004

beginning of weight loss thoughts

I've always wanted to do a weight loss diary, but it takes committment and you know how much I dread committments! I keep waiting until "it's the right time." But I have no idea how I'll know when the right time is. All I know, when I think things like that, is that the right time means not now. Like I'm waiting for that final push. I think I'll give myself that final push right now.

But it seems like the weight loss diaries that I read, that's all they are, weight loss. I don't know if I want to be that focused. Can't the weight loss just be one aspect of who I am? I dunno.

I'm just so tired of looking the way I do. I want some pride in myself, in my appearance. (Right now Huck is curled up in my lap, it's so sweet and he looks so comfortable, but I need to get up to change the channel - from Designer's Challenge on HGTV to Real World/Road Rules Challenge on MTV - poor little guy, I hate to disturb him)

All right, I'll continue these thoughts later. I love these RW/RR challenges.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: designer's challenge
Drinking: twist
Wearing: baby blue exercise pants and white tank

before after

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