She will be loved

Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2005

That's it. No more cigs. Feels good to say that.

That's it, I smoked my last cigarette. Chain smoked three of them on the balcony, spying Kent's bedroom light out of the corner of my eye.

I have an homage of cigarette butts in the corner of my balcony. I'm going to take a picture of it tomorrow morning, to remind myself of how disgusting it is, then I'll sweep it up.

Feels good to say I'm done. Everybody in my family has been able to quit cold turkey (except my brother, who I guess never started - cigs, that is), I'm not going to be the only one who can't handle it. My mother smoked for over 20 years and stopped cold. My sister falls off the wagon quite a bit, but is always able to quit again cold turkey. My father smoked for over 40 years and it caused all sorts of complications with his diabetes (which he had for 20 of those 40 years). After losing several toes due to circulation problems caused by the diabetes and smoking, the doctors told him that the only chance they had of saving the rest of his leg was if he quit smoking (although they had been warning him of this for years; suddenly, 3 toes later, he realizes they know what they're talking about?). At 4 packs a day, he stopped cold turkey. (that's the abbreviated story - trust me, there's lots more gross details that I'm sparing you)

If they can, I can.

Fortunately I have an alternative...


(and other things ;) )

Oh, and I did a milder walk. I thought I was doing the Walk & Jog, but 15 minutes into the tape I realized it was 30-Minute Walk, it had much less impact.

I had much less impact.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Too Shy - Kajagoogoo
Drinking: water with peach tea crystal light
Wearing: gray tank, pink exercise pants, gym shoes

before after

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