She will be loved

Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005

his left hand (perverts!)

Something I'd like to point out is that your email said "I'm sure you'll be busier than usual, but feel free to email or call anytime." When you say "anytime" that can be literally taken to mean ANYtime. Which could be tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc. Also, by acknowledging that you know he's busy, you're essentially giving him permission to take as long as he wants to get back to you. Boys are more likely to see things in a literal/logical way whereas girls tend to be more concerned about feelings and etiquette. I think that if he's in a technical field, chances are good that he took it literally.
[2005-08-30 22:31:04]

What does it mean if he's left-handed, is he likely to take things literally then? The person in the cube across from mine is left-handed, you know, and I guess she takes things literally. I see things logically. Amy, you take things literally.

Added 12:41 AM

I'm also intuitive, and my intuition is saying uh oh.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Come up and see me (make me smile) - Duran Duran
Drinking: Diet Pepsi Lime
Wearing: same as before, minus shoes

before after

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