She will be loved

Monday, Aug. 01, 2005


See, this is what happens when I start writing. A few days ago I was amazed that I hadn�t regained any weight, this morning I weighed myself and I gained 10 pounds. Usually, naked I weigh 178, this morning the damn scale said 188. I admit, I ate really crappy this past week, due to stress and having my period, but I didn�t think I ate that crappy! Maybe it�s just that all my slipups have finally caught up with me.

I hope this is the kick in the pants that my motivation needs. Yeah, just as we venture into another heat wave, I�m going to try to exercise again, what timing! I rode my bike yesterday, probably only about 2 miles, and did a little bit of yoga last night, but that was the only exercise I�d done pretty much all week. I tried to bring myself to do something this morning, but sleep was more important. Tomorrow morning I�m really going to have to force myself.

And it wasn�t just a fluke with the scale this morning. I tried on a pair of size 14 pants that normally fit fairly comfortably, and they were so snug it was almost painful. I had to switch to size 16 and even with these on I�m aware of how much my belly is laying on my thighs like an inner tube.

And I am so gassy! No wonder my stomach feels like an inner tube, it�s pumped full of air!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: a quiet office - it is Monday after all
Drinking: Diet Pepsi Lime
Wearing: dark brown pants and lemon yellow t-shirt

before after

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