She will be loved

Thursday, Jul. 28, 2005

Hi again

I hate summer, I never get anything done unless absolutely necessary. I guess that's why I haven't written. As soon as it gets hot, I lose all motivation. I've barely exercised in the past two months, it's just too damn hot and I start sweating just thinking about it.

I've noticed a pattern, last year South Beach went well until it started to get hot, then it went down the drain. I just can't handle heat. I stop exercising and the weight loss that was going so well in the winter and spring halts.

I'm amazed that I haven't gained any weight back yet. I'm still enrolled in Weight Watchers, but I've stopped tracking points. We have a new 10-week session starting on Tuesday at work, I need to motivate myself to get back on track. I don't even want to say what my weight is right now, I'm too embarrassed. Not embarrassed because it's high, but embarrassed because it's low and I feel that I don't deserve it. Pretty stupid, huh?

I've said it a million times before, but this time I'm really going to push myself to write more regularly. I have plenty of issues that I need to vent about. I need to get my finances in order so that I can pay for another membership here and start posting pictures again. Tomorrow's payday, so I'll have to see how much money is left after I pay my bills. Maybe if I start paying again that motivate me to write more. All I can say is I'll try.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to:

before after

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