She will be loved

Sunday, Nov. 07, 2004


218. Not bad considering this wasn't the best week for eating. On Tuesday night, I got chinese (my favorite orange chicken and scallion pancakes) to eat while watching the disappointing election results. They give such large portions that I was eating leftovers at lunch for the next two days. And then on Friday I went out to lunch with coworkers and had onion rings with my bunless burger. I thought the onion rings would be better than fries, but there were still a very starchy choice.

This week will be better, though. My goal for the week, along with exercising every morning (I've firmly established that habit for myself, yay me) is to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. I have a 1.5 liter bottle I fill up everyday at work, but lately I've been barely drinking half of it. So I need to force myself to finish it and also drink some water at home at night.

Another goal is to lose 3 pounds by Thanksgiving. That shouldn't be impossible, it's only about a pound a week. My mom and sister are coming for a visit the day after Thanksgiving, so if I can hit 215 I will be so happy. My lowest weight since high school, that would be so nice.

Anyways, that's it for now. I'll try to update more this week, too.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Law and Order - CI
Drinking: diet cherry coke
Wearing: tan shorts, white tee, white socks

before after

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