She will be loved

Sunday, Sept. 12, 2004


I compose entries in my mind all the time, but when it comes down to getting on the computer and actually writing them, I can't do it. I don't know what's causing this blockage, I know it's all in my head. I just have this huge problem with expressing myself, it's a recurrant theme in my life.

I have to force myself to change. Maybe there's a 12-step program somewhere.

I promise to write at least 3 times this week. Start slowly. If I said everyday or even every other day, I'd be setting myself up for failure. 3 is definitely realistic.

I start a pilates class tomorrow night at the local community college. I'm getting pretty nervous about it because I don't know what to expect. I'm not worried about the actual exercises, I expect there to be total beginners in the class, so hopefully I'll be more experienced than most. I'm worried about what my classmates will be like. I'm scared that they'll be intimidating, I know my self-consciousness mode will be kicked into high gear. Maybe I have nothing to worry about. I highly doubt it, but maybe.

Time for the season finale of Six Feet Under!

I'll be back within the next couple of days, I promise myself.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Insomniac
Drinking: diet dr. pepper
Wearing: pink pajama bottoms and a navy bra

before after

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