She will be loved

Tuesday, Jul. 13, 2004

weigh-in and stuff

Wait wait. Oh yeah, weight. 220.5, back on the down swing. I'd be happy about it going down again, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time before it's back up. What else can I say about my weight? It's getting so boring, even to me and I don't bore easily.

* * * * *

Killer week of workouts, I'm proud of that. 6 days of at least an hour. Strength, cardio, and a bit of pilates. A new upper body tape (Cory Everson) that kicked my ass and even a 4 mile walk tape. You'd think the walk tapes are sissy stuff, but wow the 4 mile is a tough! I'm going to keep trying to do that at least once a week.

* * * * *

I've been so busy the past couple of days getting ready to go home for Kelly's wedding. I'm so excited! Not so much about the wedding, although I'm sure it'll be nice, but just to get out of here. I'm leaving Thursday night and coming back the following Tuesday, that's so not enough time. I'd love to go home for longer, but I don't have much vacation time at work, plus being away from Beavie and Huckie will pull at my heart strings. I'm such a slave to kitty love. I'm going to board Huck at the vet, I'm too worried that something will go wrong with his bladder again while I'm gone and my cat sitter won't notice it. At the first sign of symptoms, he needs to be taken to the vet or he could die, and I would kill myself if something like that happened. So although he'll be miserable at a kennel, at least I know he'll be safe. A friend from work will be checking in on Beavis daily. I feel bad about leaving him alone, but I know bringing him to the vet would be 10 times worse.

But anyway, I'm going home! Sex, drugs, and rock & roll! Okay, no sex.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: vh1 - best week ever
Drinking: twist
Wearing: white shorts, white bra, and white socks

before after

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