She will be loved

Thursday, Jun. 24, 2004

Sweat, it's a good thing.

I just did an walking/weights interval workout. It was the first time I'd done that one in over a year and it wiped me out. I hated it while doing it (and now I remember why I haven't done it in so long) because instead of standing still or sitting while working the upper body, we did squats and lunges. I hate squats and lunges! I think it's the balance and coordination that gets me, but then trying to do that and doing bicep curls and french presses with 5 lb weights? I almost toppled over more times than I can count.

But it was a powerful workout. Sweat, it's a good thing.

* * * * *

I've been good this week, I haven't taken any naps after work. Not because I have more energy or anything, I'm just obsessed with playing PacMan World 2 on my Xbox. I'm not 28, I'm 8.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Leno (waiting for Will Ferrel's appearance)
Drinking: water
Wearing: tan exercise pants, dark gray tank, pink & white Adidas

before after

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