She will be loved

Monday, Mar. 01, 2004

I think I need to get back to the strength training.

Phew, I's tired. I just finished a 3 mile walk, the last mile using a rubber toning band. T'was good.

I still have three workouts left that I haven't done from my recent acquisition, two 1 mile walks and a 3 mile. The three mile is WATP for Abs using the ab belt, I've been kinda putting that one off. I plan to at least attempt it in the next week or so. The 2 mile with the belt was pretty easy, so I don't know why I'm so hesitant to do the 3 mile.

I think I need to get back to the strength training. My new workouts, which I've been focused on the last two weeks, are mainly cardio, so I've been neglecting my muscles a bit. My workout last night was combination strength, a little bit each of abs, arms, and legs. I usually have a pretty easy time with the arm moves, but last night was a struggle with the 5 pound weights.

So I think tomorrow I'll do the workout that is all arms. I don't need my guns getting weak on me! And then on Wednesday, I'll do the workout that is all abs. That's the workout that kills me, so I really need to motivate myself to do it.

* * * * *

In other news, congratulations to Lucy on her new arrival! Her beautiful daughter was born yesterday. From what the new daddy says, mother and baby are doing well. I can't believe she did it without a bit of drugs! Her strength is amazing!

* * * * *

Whoa, Roger Ebert is on Jay Leno, did he have weight loss surgery? He's a shell of his former self, he looks more like Alan Alda than Roger Ebert. I'm going to have see if I can find the story online.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Jay Leno
Drinking: water
Wearing: black shorts, sweaty white tee sitting in my lap, white bra, black socks, gray NBs

before after

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