She will be loved

Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2004

I hope I'll be feeling this pain tomorrow, I love when my abs ache!

Whew, I'm pooped! I hope I'll be feeling this pain tomorrow, I love when my abs ache!

I just did one of my new videos, Morning Mile Plus Abs. The abs part was tough! Not as long as the ab workout that I TRY to do regularly, but definitely more intense.

She does reverse crunches, where you raise your legs in the air and lift your butt up using your lower abs. That's not so bad, but then she has you do normal crunches into the reverse crunches. Ow! I think the size of my stomach is more of a factor in my difficulty with this more than the weakness of my abs is. When you have a belly as big as mine, it's only physically capable of crunching so far before the room runs out.

I hope I'll be feeling this pain tomorrow, I love when my abs ache!

* * * * *

Thoroughly Antisocial

You think people suck and that they are fairly stupid. You avoid large social gatherings like the plague. Maybe you tolerate a friend if they drop by to say hi. Congratulations, we might like you!

How antisocial are you?

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: NBC - Jay Leno on commercial
Drinking: water
Wearing: black exercise pants with white stripes down the sides and a white tank

before after

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