She will be loved

Sunday, Feb. 15, 2004

in need of a new mindset

I said I wouldn't do it.

Little did I know how quickly I'd be eating my words. Although I suppose eating my words is better than all the other crap I've been eating.

I'm going to diet. South Beach Diet.

I never thought I'd do something called "South Beach." It just sounds so trendy, like I'm trying to be a model or something. Plus I had envisioned it as something where I'd have to eat a lot of fish, which I hate, unless it's buried deep in batter.

I'm so glad I don't have to eat the yucky stuff! There's a bunch of foods I really like: meats, vegetables, eggs, and cheese. I'm not so crazy about snacking on nuts, but I do like pistachios, so they'll be my nut intake.

And the diet makes total sense. When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, I did a ton of reading on low carb diets and this really seems to be the healthiest yet. It doesn't totally rule out non-vegetable carbs, like Atkins. It emphasizes lower fat meats and cheeses. And lots of veggies! Yum!

So I started this morning. So far today I've had:

spinach quiche
string cheese
only one can of diet pepsi twist*
lotsa water

So far so good!

*The diet really pushes limiting caffeine, because it's an appetite stimulant. This is going to be the hardest part for me, since I drink 6-12 cans of diet pop a day. I'm going to wean myself down slowly, first starting with only 4 cans a day. I think I can handle it, especially if I start seeing results.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: XTC - Wounded Horse mp3
Drinking: water, baby!
Wearing: jeans, blank tank, white socks, and my blue suede shoes

before after

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