She will be loved

Sunday, Feb. 15, 2004

car and coochie problems

I am so procrastinating on exercising right now.

* * * * *

I brought my car back to the dealership and got my rear light repaired this morning. Finally, my car is bruise-free again!

For the past 3 days, I've noticed a strange burning/exhaust smell. It wasn't very strong, but it was enough to make me worry. I told them that and they discovered that there was something wrong with my anti-freeze thingy (Shoop got her PhD in mechanics). It was leaking and the smell was burning anti-freeze.

A few days before my Taco Bell fiasco, I brought my car in to Jiffy Lube for an oil change. It turns out they put in the wrong filter or something. So all that had to be replaced.

So what was supposed to be 40 minutes and $200 turned out to be almost 3 hours and $250. But I feel much safer now, so I suppose it was worth the time and money.

That all should point to my luck changing, because had they gone unchecked, the oil and anti-freeze could've lead to much bigger problems. But now I've got another problem, which you shouldn't read if you don't like reading about people's naughty bits.

* * * * *

Now something's wrong with my vagina! A couple of times this morning and afternoon, there was blood on the toilet paper after peeing. Not huge amounts, just spotting. I don't expect my period for at least another week, so I don't think that's it.

A few hours after the last blood incident, I started feeling cramps. Again, they don't seem to be period related, they're much lower, like that area is stuck in a kegel.

The cramping has lessened now and it's been awhile since I've seen any blood. I'm now drinking lots of water, in an attempt to flush my system.

Hopefully whatever it was is over with.

* * * * *

Ugh! Exercise! I don't wanna!

But I will.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Biography channel - Vanna White
Drinking: water
Wearing: light gray Nike tee, light gray undies, white socks

before after

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