She will be loved

Saturday, Feb. 07, 2004

I am such an idiot

This has been the worst day ever. I am so ready for death, please put me out of my misery.

I started the day out by driving out to a Subaru dealer to get my car fixed.

(On Monday my dumb dumb dumb ass got pissed off in the drivethru at Taco Bell because they aren't selling the cheesey bean and rice burritos anymore. Instead of waiting for the cars in front of me to get their orders and going out the right way, I thought I would just back out of the drivethru. Of course, it's designed so that you can't do that because the lane is all curvey and shit. Despite this, I was doing all right backing out and I was almost out of the maze when another car pulled up behind me. That of course made me frustrated and nervous and before I knew it, I hit the damn drivethru sign.

When I finally got a chance to survey the damage, I was glad to see that I had only broken the plastic cover over the left rear light. It could've been much worse.

I'm an idiot.)

So I get to the dealership for my appointment and the service guy tells me it'll be about 40 minutes. No problem, I say, I'll go to the Kmart across the street and busy myself there. So wandering around the store, I see that they have Martha Stewart comforters on sale. Perfect, I've been needing a comforter because mine is getting threadbare. And $24 dollars for a really cute striped comforter, you can't beat that! So I get that and a few other things and then head back to the dealership.

When I get in there, the service guy tells me that they ordered the wrong part. They'll have to order the other one and it probably won't be in until next Thursday. So I make an appointment for next weekend. I'm surprisingly not annoyed by this. The service guy apologizes and says, "well at least you got some shopping done." And I say, "yeah the days not a total waste, I really needed a comforter."

On the way home, I go to several grocery stores in search of the elusive red pepper hummus. When I finally find it, I buy 10 containers.

I get home and decide to wash the comforter. I wanted it to be fresh for my first sleep with it. I put it in the washing machine, but it seems too big. Oh well, I think, if the machine ends up overflowing a bit, so what, I'll deal. So I cram it in there and go about my business. After awhile, I notice Beavis slowly approaching the machine with fear. I look over to see what's wrong, and my little hallway in front of the machine is flooded. There's a huge puddle spreading quickly through the carpeting.

I jump into action and grab every towel I can find and do my best to sop everything up. When it finally seems like everything is going to be okay, I throw the towels in the washer and go back to the computer. Big mistake.

The fucker floods again. I go crazy going through my apartment trying to find clothes that I don't care too much about so that I can use them to sop up the flood.

When I run out of clothes, I get paper towel. I only had three rolls in the apartment and I went through them quickly. So I rush to a nearby grocery store and get a 6-pack. Meanwhile, the laundry closet is flooded, the bathroom is flooded, the little hallway is flooded, and it's continuing into my bedroom.

When I get back, I try like mad to get up all the water. I also decide that since I now have a ton of wet dirty clothes, I should try running a small load through the washer, I bet you can guess what happened.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

Fool me three times, I'm one stupid bitch.

When I see that it has now flooded a third time, I go crazy, crying and screaming at my cats, who of course are curious and keep getting in the way. The water just does not seem to end, but I think after at least an hour of frantic work and crying, I finally got as much up as possible.

Right now I have the fan blowing full blast on the carpet, hoping that will do something to dry it.

I'm going to have to have maintenance come and look at the machine. I hope they can come tomorrow, because I now have a ton of dirty clothes. I'm really scared about what will happen when I call, though, because they specifically warn us not to wash blankets because they're too big and cause floods. I'm so fucking stupid.

The apartment below me is empty, so I don't know if the flooding caused damage to the ceiling. I can't imagine how it couldn't have, the amount of water was obscene.

And I also don't know if I now have broken the washing machine. I'm hoping that just a tube got loose, and that's why it keeps flooding. I hope it's that simple. I doubt it is, though, I'm sure I broke the fucker.

This all could be really really bad, money-wise. I'm so scared.

Why do I even bother getting out of bed in the morning? It's the only place I'm safe.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: the fan
Drinking: twist
Wearing: light gray pajama bottoms and pink long underwear shirt

before after

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