She will be loved

Monday, Feb. 02, 2004


It's been a long shitty day so there's not much I feel like I want to say.

I did my workout, 2 mile walk. I'm feeling bad that I haven't done the ab workout since the last time I mentioned it in here, maybe a week ago? I don't know, I'm too lazy to check. Anyway I should be doing it more often, but I got so frustrated last time I don't even want to try.

I ordered Tae Bo yesterday morning. After seeing the infomercial twice I decided what the hell, it was fairly cheap and I know a lot of people have gotten great results with the workout. My sister ordered it a few years ago. We ordered pizza and got high while watching the first workout. Typical of us, then. Now we both do Leslie workouts at least somewhat regularly, so I think we might have more motivation, at least I think I will. I hope I will.

So once the videos come, I'll throw Billy Blanks into the rotation with Lesle Sansone. I have a Denise Austin workout, but I don't think she'll be making an appearance anytime soon. I tried the video once and just about died.

* * * * *

Ugh, I'm too down in the dumps.

I was even disappointed in the new season of one my favorite shows, Real World - Road Rules Challenge. There were just too many annoying past cast members on it. I hope I get over it, it's nice to have something to look forward to every Monday.

All right, that's it, I'm out. Maybe reading about someone else's life will make me feel better.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Maroon 5-She Will Be Loved(just got the CD yesterday, at least that was a good decision)
Drinking: water
Wearing: black tank, pink sleep pants, white socks, gray New Balance

before after

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