She will be loved

Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004

um yeah

It's late, but I've done two really good things for myself in the past hour so I want to post a "YAY ME" entry.

Those sour cream & onion potato chips I mentioned eating earlier? I went grocery shopping tonight and bought a family size bag. I know they're not good for me, but they were on sale half-price and I resisted the other two temptations I had, coffee ice cream and a box of Krispy Kreme donuts. But then, after I ate dinner, I found myself digging and digging into that bag of chips. I didn't feel like I was binging, I was just searching for the perfect chip with just the right amount of coating. Before I knew it, I ate more than half the bag. The family size bag.

And then again later, after hours of reading weight loss diaries, I started in on the damn things again. Finally, I said enough. I got a grocery bag and emptied the chip bag into the grocery bag. Even better, I took the half eaten bag of Doritos that remained from a guacomole meal I'd had a few days ago and emptied it on top of the potato chips. I smushed it all together and tied it up to take to the garbage.

Money's tight right now and I hated to waste food, but would it have done me any better if I had eaten it? I think not.

And the other good thing? Even though I gave myself permission not to work out, I did anyway. I walked about one and a half miles and then did a bit of yoga. The first half mile I did myself while watching the end of a HGTV program and then I did a mile and about 10 minutes of yoga along with a Leslie video. And then I followed it all with my favorite stretch, the plank, which I held for about 3 minutes, until my upper arms felt like they were going to crumble.

I love myself.

Of course, now it's 4 AM and I have a burst of energy. Who cares, it's Friday and I plan on doing absolutely nothing tomorrow. (I do have to go into the office for a few hours at some point this weekend, but that can wait until Sunday)

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: computer: Maroon 5 - Harder to Breathe and This Love on repeat
Drinking: water
Wearing: dark gray sweats, white bra, black argyle socks

before after

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